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Fitting out of exhibition centres

Fitting out of exhibition centres

Trade fair venues are one of the main meeting points for business relationships, and communication is of vital importance.

However, in contrast to this need, these venues often have poor acoustics that prevent fluid communication, making it necessary to raise the voice and therefore increasing the fatigue and stress of the attendees.

To avoid this, the environment must be properly acoustically conditioned. Our acoustic conditioning panels for trade fairs offer a simple, easy to install and effective solution to create an optimal business environment. Not only for the interior of the stand, but also for the overall environment of the fairgrounds, which is favoured by this conditioning.
These acoustic panels are suitable for use in the modular stands that are used at trade fair venues.

The principle of operation is based on the absorption of the sound that is transmitted to the air from one stand to the adjacent stand, thus reducing the amount of sound that is reflected on the ceiling and walls of the building.

Multipanel's acoustic conditioning system for fairgrounds shows excellent behaviour in the medium frequencies, favouring sound absorption in the range of the human voice, improving the intelligibility of speech and therefore the understanding of language, a strictly necessary requirement when communication is established in different languages.

The system is designed to be easy and quick to install, based on the standards used in each situation in which it will be used. The Multipanel acoustic conditioning system adapts perfectly to the standard modules that are configured in fairgrounds.

By directing spotlights towards the Multipanel acoustic conditioning panels, we achieve a homogeneous and pleasant lighting effect, which avoids annoying glare and reduces shadows.

The white colour of the panels favours the reflection of the light on them, projecting a beam onto the stand. The polyester fibre finish also reduces the hardness of the reflected light, functioning like the diffuser panels used in photography.

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