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Why trust us?

We are a company with a long history and experience in the world of construction, specialists in sustainable solutions for efficient houses, Nearly Zero Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus. Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus.

At Multipanel, R+D+I is a constant. In this sense, we dedicate our efforts and resources to it, making a strong commitment to the digitalisation of our company. The road to to excellence is made with daily work, with hard work and perseverance, with our commitment to the advances of the so-called Industry 4.0, with the environment, quality and continuous improvement. environment, quality and continuous improvement.

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    Why trust us?

    We are a company with a long history and experience in the world of construction, specialists in sustainable solutions for efficient houses, Nearly Zero Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus. Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus.

    At Multipanel, R+D+I is a constant. In this sense, we dedicate our efforts and resources to it, making a strong commitment to the digitalisation of our company. The road to to excellence is made with daily work, with hard work and perseverance, with our commitment to the advances of the so-called Industry 4.0, with the environment, quality and continuous improvement. environment, quality and continuous improvement.

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