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About us

About us

Pre-industrialised solutions for professionals and architects

Multipanel is a company with a long history and experience in the world of construction, specialists in sustainable solutions for efficient constructions, Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus. Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus.

Since 2004 we have been in a state of continuous evolution in order to be able to offer innovative and high quality solutions innovative and quality solutions, looking towards a future where the customer enjoys the best service.

Based on our extensive knowledge of sandwich panels, we provide new solutions for roofs, façades, cladding solutions for roofs, façades, cladding, enclosures, acoustic conditioning, modular and efficient construction, etc. modular and efficient construction, etc. All our products are adapted to the needs of the project, making us a strategic ally for architects and professionals in the supply of all types of solutions. todo tipo de soluciones.


Why trust us?

We are experts in aluminium tongue and groove panels for roofs and facades.

At Multipanel, R+D+I is a constant. In this sense, we dedicate our efforts and resources to it, making a strong commitment to digitalisation in our company. The road to business excellence is travelled with our daily work, with determination and perseverance, with our commitment to the advances perseverance, with our commitment to the advances of the so-called Industry 4.0, to the environment, to quality and to continuous improvement. continuous improvement.

Production capacity

Multipanel is in constant evolution, always expanding our means and production processes in order to be able to offer our customers the best service with the best quality.

In our facilities we have state-of-the-art machinery of our own manufacture, designed and developed by our in-house engineering department. our in-house engineering department. All our processes are ISO 9001 certified. An example of this is the robotisation process that our production system is undergoing, looking towards a future where the customer enjoys the best product. cliente disfrute del mejor producto.


All our self-supporting double-sided metal insulating sandwich panels have the CE marking in accordance with the UNE-EN 14509 standard. Through the Declaration of Performance we inform our customers about the performance of our panels that comply with current regulations. our panels that comply with current regulations.

For MULTIPANEL quality, continuous evolution and improvement of our products are part of our philosophy. We have implemented the most rigorous controls in our production process that are part of our QMS - Quality Management System - to Quality Management System - to guarantee our customers a high standard of quality and a correct CE Marking with production control tests in our own laboratory. in our own laboratory in the factory.

The result is a wide range of products, all of them high quality panels, which aim to optimise on-site times by means of industrialised modular solutions. industrialised modular solutions.


We are currently focused on the process of alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals and on the implementation of our environmental policy. Development Goals and on the implementation of our environmental policy. This will help us to become a greener and more sustainable organisation, we will become a greener and more sustainable organisation.

Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente

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    About us

    Pre-industrialised solutions for professionals and architects

    Multipanel is a company with a long history and experience in the world of construction, specialists in sustainable solutions for efficient constructions, Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus. Energy Consumption Buildings (EECN) and Passivhaus.

    Since 2004 we have been in a state of continuous evolution in order to be able to offer innovative and high quality solutions innovative and quality solutions, looking towards a future where the customer enjoys the best service.

    Based on our extensive knowledge of sandwich panels, we provide new solutions for roofs, façades, cladding solutions for roofs, façades, cladding, enclosures, acoustic conditioning, modular and efficient construction, etc. modular and efficient construction, etc. All our products are adapted to the needs of the project, making us a strategic ally for architects and professionals in the supply of all types of solutions. todo tipo de soluciones.


    Why trust us?

    We are experts in aluminium tongue and groove panels for roofs and facades.

    At Multipanel, R+D+I is a constant. In this sense, we dedicate our efforts and resources to it, making a strong commitment to digitalisation in our company. The road to business excellence is travelled with our daily work, with determination and perseverance, with our commitment to the advances perseverance, with our commitment to the advances of the so-called Industry 4.0, to the environment, to quality and to continuous improvement. continuous improvement.

    Production capacity

    Multipanel is in constant evolution, always expanding our means and production processes in order to be able to offer our customers the best service with the best quality.

    In our facilities we have state-of-the-art machinery of our own manufacture, designed and developed by our in-house engineering department. our in-house engineering department. All our processes are ISO 9001 certified. An example of this is the robotisation process that our production system is undergoing, looking towards a future where the customer enjoys the best product. cliente disfrute del mejor producto.


    All our self-supporting double-sided metal insulating sandwich panels have the CE marking in accordance with the UNE-EN 14509 standard. Through the Declaration of Performance we inform our customers about the performance of our panels that comply with current regulations. our panels that comply with current regulations.

    For MULTIPANEL quality, continuous evolution and improvement of our products are part of our philosophy. We have implemented the most rigorous controls in our production process that are part of our QMS - Quality Management System - to Quality Management System - to guarantee our customers a high standard of quality and a correct CE Marking with production control tests in our own laboratory. in our own laboratory in the factory.

    The result is a wide range of products, all of them high quality panels, which aim to optimise on-site times by means of industrialised modular solutions. industrialised modular solutions.


    We are currently focused on the process of alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals and on the implementation of our environmental policy. Development Goals and on the implementation of our environmental policy. This will help us to become a greener and more sustainable organisation, we will become a greener and more sustainable organisation.


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