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Sustainable development objectives

5. Gender equality

At Multipanel we are committed to gender equality. Currently 25% of the company's staff are women. We encourage the professional development of women and men and in key positions we have positions of responsibility for both sexes.

7. Affordable and clean energy

In addition to being specialists in solutions for efficient construction, near-zero consumption buildings and Passivhaus, we seek to achieve self-sufficiency with our panel production, thanks to the installation of self-consumption photovoltaic panels, thus reducing energy costs by using solar energy. thus reducing energy costs through the use of solar energy.

8. Decent work and economic growth

We promote job growth, contributing to the reduction of the country's unemployment rate. We are committed to hiring people of different genders and people of different genders and ages to work in an optimal and reliable environment. We provide a safe workplace and a healthy environment for our healthy environment for our employees, focusing on the constant identification of risks in order to avoid accidents at work, implementing preventive accidents at work, applying the necessary prevention and control measures.

11. Sustainable cities and communities

We have a long history and experience in the world of aluminium and we are specialists in sustainable solutions for efficient construction, providing Passivhaus and Nearly Zero Energy Consumption Buildings for efficient constructions, providing Passivhaus and Nearly Zero Energy Consumption Buildings (ECCN) certification for residential construction. (ECCN).

12. Responsible production and consumption

Under the umbrella of our Quality and Environment Policy, all our staff are committed to working in a more sustainable way, with the aim of reducing environmental impacts and thus contributing to slowing down the effects of climate change. with the aim of reducing environmental impacts and thereby contributing to curbing the effects of climate change. We have a partnership with customers to increase the life cycle of pallets by recovering and repairing them in the factory for reuse in new shipments. reused in the shipment of a new order.

13. Climate action

At Multipanel we are in the process of aligning ourselves with the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of our environmental policy, in order to become a greener and more sustainable organisation. environmental policy, in order to become a greener and more sustainable organisation. We position ourselves as a company a forerunner in sustainable development, due to the manufacture of efficient and sustainable solutions.

"It is essential that we all work together for the future of our planet.

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