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VeturKit de Multipanel, es un sistema de fachada de montaje rápido y simple con un gran aislamiento térmico. The system is based on an adhesive outer skin to a machined high-density extruded polystyrene panel.

The panels will be press-fitted onto aluminium profiles anchored to the façade. It is a simple solution that solves a façade in a very short time and without the need for specialised labour.

VeturKit panels are laid on profiles designed by Multipanel to ensure strong anchoring, optimal thermal conductivity, and a lightweight, easy-to-install structure. The 5mm panel tracks are sealed with tailor-made rubber seals for optimal airtightness.

The design of the VeturKit façade system is based on simplicity, time and cost savings during installation. The longitudinal aluminium profiles provide the necessary support for the installation of the panels and together with the vertical profiles ensure a constant footprint size of 6mm. This adjustment means that the rubber pressure-fitted into the joints provides excellent water and air tightness.

Time and cost saving installation

Only mechanical fasteners are used to anchor the horizontal profiles to the wall, all other fastening is done by pressure, without the need for extra fasteners or adhesives of any kind.

Los paneles VeturKit se suministran en 3 dimensiones estándar de 1200×600, 1200×400 o 600×400, toda ellas con un espesor del material aislante de 80mm y del soporte entre 8 y 11mm dependiendo del acabado seleccionado. Counting the anchoring profiles and irregularities in the façade we would move in a total thickness of between 95 and 100 mm.

One of the most important and differentiating points with other façade systems is the great contribution in terms of insulation. The thermal properties of polystyrene in a thickness of 80 mm create a strong thermal break, effective against both high and low temperatures.

Excellent Thermal Properties

The joints are sealed with a custom-designed rubber to prevent any kind of water infiltration, which keeps moisture out of the house, making it a watertight and comfortable environment.

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