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Speed Dry

SpeedDry panels

The SPEED DRY double-sided self-supporting metal sandwich panels manufactured by MULTIPANEL comply with the CE Marking, which means that the following tasks are carried out:

Factory Production Control (FPC)

Initial Type Tests (EIT)

Declaration of Performance

Marking and labelling

Factory Production Control (FPC)

The FPC involves the control of the production process, controlling the raw materials, the product in process and the finished product, by carrying out the tests stipulated in the Standard.

Initial Type Tests (ITT)

The initial type tests are tests carried out by accredited laboratories on different parameters, as established by the standard, on a specimen of a sandwich panel or a complete panel. This means that the panels will be manufactured with the same characteristics as the samples that have already been tested by the laboratory.

The model or specimen tested will always be the most unfavourable of the whole range in terms of parameters and the results obtained can be used in any range of measurements.

Declaration of Performance

MULTIPANEL issues a Declaration of Performance for the products it delivers to the customer. This is a Declaration which contains a list of products with identification, their intended use, evaluation system, harmonised standard, notified bodies (laboratories) and declared performance of the products, according to the results of external laboratory tests.

This declaration entitles MULTIPANEL to place the CE Marking labels on the products.

Marking and labelling

All SPEED DRY panels manufactured by MULTIPANEL are labelled with the CE Marking which implies the compliance of each panel with the characteristics of the tests carried out.

The CE Marking consists of a label that includes the CE marking symbol. This label must be placed on the product in a visible, legible and indelible manner, by means of a label attached to the packaging.

The marking indicates that the product complies with the applicable directives and must be affixed at the end of the production control phase. It is MULTIPANEL's responsibility to ensure that the CE marking and labelling reaches the end user who receives the product.




Best Option

Treated aluminium sheet.

High compressive strength extruded polystyrene.

Rubber seal housing - Optimum watertight barrier (82 mm).

Drainage channel - Evacuates condensation.

Dry chamber - Preserves against corrosion.

Self-positioning wedge - Ensures levelness between panels.

The SPEED DRY System does not require extra structures, purlins or trusses for installation.

They are more resistant to breakage than other steel sheet panels.

They are made of 0.8 mm (for 52 mm panels) and 1 mm (for 82 mm panels) sheets, which provide high rigidity.

They are composed of an extruded polystyrene core which is more resistant to compression than other insulating materials.

Thanks to these characteristics, the professional SAVES:

In assembly time.

In structural materials.

CE Marking.

By the thickness of the sheet metal.

By the colour of the sheet metal.

By the fixing system.

By the Extruded Polystyrene interior.

For the length of the sections without the need for straps.

For the possibility of lengths up to 12 m.

52 and 82 mm profiles

Our panels are equipped with tongue and groove profiles, designed to create a watertight barrier to allow condensation to drain away.


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