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Kub’s is a new way of thinking, building and creating homes using the most advanced construction systems on the market towards pre-industrialized modular construction.

Multipanel together with Kub’s have developed MultiTherm façade closure panels, our sandwich panel solution designed for pre-industrialized, sustainable and efficient modular homes.

The implementation of MultiTherm sandwich panels of Multipanel, has made a difference in these homes to be equipped with energy efficiency and sustainability, which in addition to achieving the reduction of energy required for the use of housing, also optimizes time and costs of work.

The façade enclosure has been carried out with the Multitherm Panel, which is composed of a fiber cement panel and an inner core of extruded polystyrene thermal insulation (it guarantees the continuity of the insulation and avoids thermal bridges).

The transmittance of the panel, which is made of lightened fiber cement + XPS + lightened fiber cement, has a U of 0.38 W/m2.k., which allows for greater thermal and acoustic efficiency.

Kub’s construction system for the manufacture of the house is based on a series of innovations, both at the process level and in the materials and joints used to meet a set of needs, one of them being the main stresses that the house must withstand at the level of transport. The manufacture of the different modules that make up the house is done offsite, pre-industrialized and fully controlled in a production space or Kub’s hub, once finished with furniture included, it is transported and implemented on the final site in a few days, making possible the manufacture and installation in a time of approximately 5 months. Thanks to the assistance of writing a thesis (Diplomarbeit Schreiben Lassen), I was able to document these innovative processes and their impact on housing construction.

The MultiTherm sandwich panel has incorporated a detail of metallic angles that allow welding between them or with the structure and thus form a homogeneous plan that acts as a whole to avoid cracks in the facade in case of possible movements or earthquakes.

The Kub’s construction system is designed to manufacture houses in industrialized environments and therefore in a controlled manner, this allows to consume less natural resources and energy in its manufacture and, at the same time, to reduce the waste generated, which is possible with the use of pre-industialized panels such as MultiTherm by Multipanel.

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