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The SPEED DRY sandwich panel manufactured by MULTIPANEL INTERNACIONAL MADRID, S.L. is a self-supporting double-sided metal sandwich panel for roofing applications, composed of two aluminum sheets and an extruded polystyrene core.

Our panels are equipped with tongue and groove profiles of 52 and 82 mm, designed to create a watertight barrier allowing the evacuation of condensation.

The SPEED DRY System does not require extra structures, purlins or trusses for its installation. They are more resistant to breakage than other steel sheet panels. Their composition uses 0.8 mm (for 52 mm panels) and 1 mm (for 82 mm panels) sheets, which provide great rigidity. They are composed of an extruded polystyrene core that is more resistant to compression than other insulating materials. Thanks to these characteristics, the professional installer saves assembly time and structural materials.

In addition, SPEED DRY self-supporting double-sided metal sandwich panels manufactured by MULTIPANEL comply with the CE Marking according to the European Standard UNE-EN 14509, which means that the following tasks are performed:

Factory Production Control (FPC)
Initial Type Testing (EIT)
Declaration of Performance
Marking and labeling
SPEED DRY THERMOACOUSTIC PANEL: To avoid the possible curvature of the panel due to exposure to the sun on its upper face, we have added to the SPEED DRY panel an additional 30 mm thick extruded polystyrene sheet, XPS, to fully protect the panel from U.V. rays and an acoustic sheet on top of it, thus increasing energy efficiency.

The SPEED DRY sandwich panel manufactured by MULTIPANEL INTERNACIONAL MADRID, S.L. is a self-supporting double-sided metal sandwich panel for roofing applications, composed of two aluminum sheets and an extruded polystyrene core.

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