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Last October 2, 9 and 16, 2018 MULTIPANEL INTERNACIONAL MADRID, S.L. participated in the Conference for architecture and construction professionals organized in A Coruña, Málaga and Palencia by Infoconstrucción and DPA Arquitectura.

Our commercial director, José Luis Martínez presented the paper “Modular Building Solutions. Simple assemblies. Efficient panels”.

About 130 professionals of architecture and construction in general had the opportunity to participate in the conference that took place at the Hotel Zenit A Coruña and the Official College of Architects of Malaga and Palencia.

During the conference, José Luis explained to the attendees the great advantages of the SPEED DRY Self-Supporting Panel for the creation of large open spaces, free of annoying columns. In addition to the added value of saving on structures, as they can be installed up to 12 m long with a single intermediate support.

MULTIPANEL will participate in the next DPA Forum organized by Infoconstrucción and DPA Arquitectura to be held on October 24 in Valencia and November 8 in Barcelona.

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