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The Speed Dry panel system is characterized by being tongue and groove through a PVC profile with three tubular chambers giving the panel greater rigidity, a dry chamber to preserve from corrosion which allows screwing from the inside, a self-positioning wedge that ensures the level between panels, a housing for the rubber gasket that is an optimal watertight barrier and a drainage path to evacuate condensation.

Multipanel has collaborated in the island of Aruba in the Caribbean in the construction of a building consisting of two floors, this project is of the architect Victor Rodriguez Cordido and the builder Albert De Veer.

For the realization of this project, the self-supporting sandwich panel system Speed Dry with Multipanel’s 100% natural stone sheet MultiStone was used. The Speed Dry self-supporting sandwich panel system is composed of two thermo-lacquered aluminum sheets and an extruded polystyrene core, achieving greater compressive strength.

Depending on the degree of sunlight incidence and the time of day, the building has a different color effect in the morning than in the afternoon.

With respect to its internal composition, SPEED DRY has a magnesium sulfate board, FBR Eco, mineral wool and gypsum plasterboard adhered to it.

In this project we used a decorative exterior cladding in 100% stone + extruded polystyrene MultiStone, the system is composed of 1200 x 1200 mm square sheets of 10 mm extruded polystyrene.

The system is composed of 10 mm extruded polystyrene sheets with a layer of two types of natural stone (Cantabric and Atlantic). Decorative details have been incorporated to match the facade in the interior and gardens of our MultiStone natural stone sheet.

The success of the project is the response to the client’s needs with our products by incorporating a solution with multiple benefits such as thermal insulation, resistant to environmental conditions and innovation in external decorative materials.

The pre-fabricated panels optimize costs and work time, being a fast and easy installation system (204 m2/day of facade has been installed), besides generating a cost reduction in facade maintenance as it is a clean and environmentally resistant system.

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